Artificial Intelligence
and Data Science to
Address Existential
Global Challenges
We develop analytical
technological and consulting
solutions for businesses,
governments, and international organizations
Practical Solutions Based on Statistical and Mathematical Foundations
Machine Learning, Cognitive Modelling and Artificial Intelligence Systems
Practical Solutions Built on Mathematical and Statistical Foundations
Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling, and Artificial Intelligence systems
Artificial Intelligence Applications
We augment and automate decision-making through AI-enabled applications.
Customer Segmentation
We identify key audiences and their characteristics through cluster analysis models.
Econometric Analysis
We analyze economic variables and the impact of specific events and policies.
Psychometric Analysis
We evaluate and validate psychometric scales and tests to measurelatent constructs.
Practical solutions based on mathematical and statistical foundations
Machine learning, computational cognitive modeling of artificial intelligence systems
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to Address Global Challenges
ROSAN is a technology company that focuses on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence solutions to tackle existential global challenges, from estimating the prevalence of modern slavery, to designing teamwork-optimizing AI agents, or revolutionizing the social sciences through massive online multiplayer video games in multifactorial experiments.